Field Contracting Services

Primary & Secondary Injection Test

Primary & Secondary Injection Test

The electrical injection testing is used to confirm the condition and electrical characteristics of the different equipment of the power systems, and is commonly applied to the main protective devices (protection relays, circuit breakers, power transformers, instrument transformers, cabling, switchgear, reclosers, etc)

The main targets of the injection testing are to ensure that the protection system is safe, meeting the specifications, requirements, settings, and the expected reliability. The injection testing verifies the electrical equipment in terms of tripping times, operational behavior, resistance, opening, closing and insulation capacity, etc.

This involves a range of testing methods which for easier choice we can divide in two main groups, primary injection testing and secondary injection testing, which in turn can include current and/or voltage injection testing. Specialized high quality testing equipment is required to ensure an accurate and efficient electrical injection testing.

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